Traiteur Lenôtre Mariage cocktail buffet repasTraiteur Lenôtre Mariage cocktail buffet repas

Our Scenography

A new wind is blowing on our catering offers you new gastronomic experiences 

and metamorphosed event scenographies. 


Lenôtre Creation

In France and abroad, our desire to surprise, astonish and amaze is based on a transformed event creativity. For the fall and winter, we continue to design atmospheres, initiated during our previous collection, intended to sublimate your event and make it more sustainable. The Potager, Nature or Secondhand market scenographies extend our environmental commitment. Moreover, all year long, we celebrate French know-how with the Frenchic and Art Deco scenographies, and, in the heart of winter, with the chalet in the mountains scenography.

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Séminaire buffet repas cocktail Traiteur LenôtreSéminaire buffet repas cocktail Traiteur Lenôtre

Our other scenographies

Séminaire Buffet Cocktail repas traiteur LenôtreSéminaire Buffet Cocktail repas traiteur Lenôtre


Avant-gardism, elegance and romanticism !

Welcome to the Frenchic Lenôtre !

Séminaire repas buffet cocktail traiteur LenôtreSéminaire repas buffet cocktail traiteur Lenôtre

French Rivera

Welcome to the French Rivera Lenôtre universe!

Séminaire Buffet Cocktail repas traiteur LenôtreSéminaire Buffet Cocktail repas traiteur Lenôtre

Vegetable Garden

Make way for plants, herbs, fruits, vegetables !

Welcome to the Lenôtre vegetable garden !

Séminaire repas buffet cocktail traiteur LenôtreSéminaire repas buffet cocktail traiteur Lenôtre


Back to basics !

Welcome to the heart of Lenôtre nature.

Séminaire repas buffet cocktail traiteur LenôtreSéminaire repas buffet cocktail traiteur Lenôtre

The Flea Market

An invitation to the flea market gallery !

Welcome to the heart of the Lenôtre flea market !

Séminaire repas buffet cocktail traiteur LenôtreSéminaire repas buffet cocktail traiteur Lenôtre

Country house

A warm evening!

Welcome to the heart of the Lenôtre country house!